logoWorkflow AI

Automate tedious data workflows: 10x your speed with zero human error

our public software

Private PDF ExtractorFully private PDF extractor with cutting-edge OCR. Your data never leaves your computer.

your painful problem

You have tedious, manual processes. You've outsourced to junior employees or remote workers, but run into human error and slowness. You just wish things would be done on time — correctly.

how we help

Notable examples:

  • Extracting data from thousands of PDFs, and converting it into clean spreadsheets
  • Automating article-collection for weekly newsletters than reach over 60,000 people
  • Alerting systems for market + blockchain data that help hedge funds allocate millions in capital
  • For Google, we built the first version of an open-source file-parsing project
  • Any other workflow you'd like to automate! We've seen it all — we won't be surprised.

privacy and security

Data is the lifeblood of any business. We take privacy and security extremely seriously. Security is always our first priority, and we will never sell your data.

Depending on your needs, we're comfortable building solutions that range from cloud-hosted apps to hermetically-sealed, local data processing.


What it looks like to work with us:

  1. We discuss your needs and come up with a software requirements specification — free of charge!
  2. We aim for a 4 week completion time, with multiple touch-points along the way. We'll walk you through, test-run, and hone the software to match the specification we agreed upon.
  3. If it's our first time working together, we ask for a fully-refundable 1 month deposit before starting development. While building your solution, if at any moment you decide you'd no longer like to work with us, we will return the deposit in full. Otherwise, the deposit will count towards your first month of usage.
  4. Once complete, you'll have a polished, automated workflow — on average you'll see a 10x in speed and convenience.
  5. For the duration of your needs, we will address any bug fixes and offer support necessary for the software to honor the specification we made.
  6. On future projects and requests, we'll offer you a steep discount. We aim to grow a quality, long-term relationship with you.

plans and pricing philosophy

Using hourly rates incentives people to overbill. Per-project payment leads to shoddy software that breaks after the choreographed demo.

We offer a new model. We provide custom-fitted, subscription-based solutions for your business.

This is cost-saving for your business. Only use what you need. Cancel anytime, restart anytime.

This also gives you peace of mind with quality assurance and ongoing support. We only succeed if your solution works smoothly, and continues to give you value for as long as you use it.

The average data entry clerk costs roughly $60,000 annually. We can completely automate your workflow, for a 10X speedup and massive reduction in errors, for a flat rate of $3,000 monthly. Pause and resume whenever you like.